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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Epcot Center8
Epcot Center
"This Is Epcot Center"
Click to view.There's something so intrinsically '80s about Epcot. It was my generation's version of the World's Fair. And even though Disney has modernized the park pretty well, Epcot to me will always be the future, as seen through feathered bangs.
Click to view.Folgers set the gold standard for Christmas advertising with its heartwarming tale of a young man coming home from college. The spot ran for a mind-boggling 17 years, and then, after a brief hiatus, was "modernized" in 2009 with awkward dialogue and vaguely incestuous undertones.
"Piano Recital"
Click to view.With a metric million McDonald's ads to pick from in the 1980s, I had to go with "Piano Recital," because it's still all I can think of when I hear Beethoven's "Für Elise." On a related note, Valentina Lisitsa just called and said she's going to strangle me to death with her sinewy arms.
National Dairy Board11
National Dairy Board
"Milk. It Does a Body Good"
Click to view.Sure, "Got milk?" may be one of the most successful ad campaigns in history, but its predecessor deserves a little credit, too. "Milk. It does a body good" used good old-fashioned vanity to target tweens who felt milk was a "kid's drink." These ads drenched the airwaves, and apparently they worked, reportedly reversing the decline in milk consumption within 36 months.
Nescafé Gold Blend12
Nescafé Gold Blend
"Gold Blend Couple"
Click to view.Most Americans had to wait until the 1990s to experience the greatest romance in instant-coffee history, but the Brits eagerly watched it unfold through the late '80s. Nescafé's Gold Blend campaign was such a popular serial, boosting sales 70 percent over its lifespan, that it was imported to the U.S. with the same actors to sell Taster's Choice. And like Folgers' "Peter" spot, the idea was recently resurrected with unlovable results.
Nestlé Alpine White13
Nestlé Alpine White
"Sweet Dreams"
Click to view.There was a surprising amount of artistry and melodrama in '80s ads, probably inspired by the music videos of the day. One of the most unforgettable is this Nestlé ad, which, according to one of the actors in the spot, was pulled off the air for stealing the work of artist Maxwell Parrish. Thanks to YouTube, you can see a comparison of the ad and the artwork.
"You're Playing With Power"
Click to view.Damn you, Nintendo. Even now, this commercial makes R.O.B. the Robot seem like the most exciting part of the original Nintendo Entertainment System. But it only took about two minutes for the excitement to wear off when you fired up the game machine and realized his name should actually be R.O.B. the Pointless Pile of Functionless Garbage.

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