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Saturday, July 9, 2011

7 Twitter Marketing Campaigns to Learn From

Here are seven successful Twitter marketing campaigns from American Airlines, Network Solutions, UNICEF India, IBM, USA for UNHCR, McDonald’s Canada and appbackr. Read about their successes below and share your brand’s Twitter campaign victories in the comments.

1. American Airlines: Celebrate Successes with a Hashtag

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of its AAdvantage loyalty program, American Airlines ran a Twitter contest called “Tweet to Win 30K Miles.”
The Twitter contest was a smaller portion of a larger campaign, called “Deal 30,” which involved 30 partner deals and promotions over 30 weekdays. The AAdvantage team created a microsite that promoted a new daily partner deal or promotion — the Twitter contest occurred on the fourth day of the promotion. Participants had to register their AAdvantage number on a microsite, tweet the #Deal30 hashtag and follow the @AAdvantageaccount to enter for a chance to win 30,000 AAdvantage miles.
The campaign was promoted primarily through AAdvantage and American Airlines’ social media channels with the goals of driving traffic to the Deal 30 microsite to increase buzz for the remaining deals and to attract new Twitter followers for the recently launched @AAdvantage Twitter account.
Success Metrics: Within one week, the microsite’s link gained nearly 18,000 clicks via Twitter, and the @AAdvantage Twitter account experienced a 70% increase in followers. And overall, retweets on Twitter increased 43% and the Deal 30 microsite garnered more than 27,000 entries.
Lesson: Weber Shandwick account supervisor and AAdvantage community manager Colin Alsheimer shares his takeaways about the campaign with Mashable:
“Given a valuable enough incentive, users will complete several registration steps for entry. The requirement to share a specific tweet and hashtag to an entrants own social network is what drove the success of this promotion, especially given that it wasn’t heavily supported by other media channels. In the future, we’d probably require that users take fewer steps for entry in order to increase the total number of entrants. Including a specific and unique hashtag was essential for tracking purposes.”

2. Network Solutions: Use Twitter to Promote Larger Social Campaigns

During the 2011 Super Bowl, domain registrar Network Solutions aimed to detract from competitor GoDaddy’srisquĂ© media blitz while promoting its .CO product offerings. Instead of directly competing with GoDaddy’s substantial Super Bowl ad buy, Network Solutions worked with agency CRT/tanaka to spoof GoDaddy’s infamous Super Bowl commercials with hopes of garnering attention on Twitter among social media influencers.
With a $200,000 budget, the company developed a concept around Go Granny, “the original domain girl,” and created a series of mockumentary vignettes featuring Academy Award-winner Cloris Leachman.
While the campaign was centered around one parody commercial hosted on YouTube (embedded above), Twitter played a large role in the promotion and success of the campaign.
“Go Granny’s antics did not stop on YouTube. She took her sassy personality to drive traffic to the video,” says CRT/tanaka director of social media Priya Ramesh. “She took over Twitter for three one-hour long tweetcapades on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Super Bowl weekend. During the tweetcapades, @Go_Granny‘s tweets were carefully targeted to win the attention of influencers like Guy Kawasaki and Scott Monty, under the premise she was inviting people to her Super Bowl party. The team of powerful mommy bloggers at BlogHer participated in the tweetcapades as well, tapping into their extensive networks.”
Success Metrics: In five days, the campaign inspired more than 3,500 tweets and garnered nearly 20 million impressions across Twitter, reports agency CRT/tanaka. On top of that, #GoGranny became a trending topic in Washington, D.C., and top influencers who tweeted about Go Granny included Gina Trapani and Brian Solis. Even more impressive, the company’s sales of the .CO domain increased by more than 500% during Super Bowl weekend as a direct result of the campaign.
Lesson: “Twitter is extremely helpful for generating buzz around an online social media campaign, but it needs support from other social outlets as well,” says Shashi Bellamkonda, director of social media and PR at Network Solutions. He continues:
“For maximum success, Twitter can’t stand alone. Beyond tweeting, our team dropped blog posts about the campaign, alerted our Facebook base, sent out an email to our customer, issued a press release and conducted traditional media outreach. We also worked with BlogHer to tap into their extensive network of influential women and mom bloggers. If marketers do their homework and recognize that Twitter campaigns must go hand-in-hand with other efforts, they will increase their overall success. In our case, once the Go Granny tweetcapades started, there was no stopping them.”

3. UNICEF India: Show Celebrities Their Impact on Social Good Projects

UNICEF India’s agency, OgilvyOne Worldwide, enlisted social agency BUZZVALVE to manage a three-month social media campaign to promote UNICEF’s “Awaaz Do” (which means “lend your voice” in Hindi) initiative, an effort to send eight million unschooled Indian children back to education.
“The thrust of our campaign lay in targeting influential personas and celebrities on Twitter,” says BUZZVALVE CEO Rohan Chandrashekhar. “A retweet or a mention by them proved crucial for our outreach program and to get word out about the campaign.”
Bollywood icons Priyanka Chopra and Shekhar Kapur were among others to tweet about the campaign. BUZZVALVE encouraged their participation by showing them how big of an impact they had on the initiative. Chandrashekhar explains:
“We set up a two-way communication channel between us and them, where we were able to show them through our analytics the kind of impact they were having on Twitter and among their followers on every retweet or mention about the campaign. In effect, rather than have them formally ‘endorse’ the campaign, we helped them ‘participate’ actively. Our analytics helped them understand their own influence and this acted as an encouragement for them be active campaigners. We thus created an environment for them to engage with us and the ‘Awaaz Do’ cause directly, by making real-time info about their impact available to them.”
Success Metrics: During the three-month campaign, the #AWAAZDO hashtag received 1,525 mentions and the @UNICEFIndia Twitter account gained 2,198 followers. The campaign itself received 60,540 impressions on Twitter during the time period, as calculated using Tweetreach. By the end of the campaign, the Awaaz Do website garnered 203,248 signups of people interested in “joining the movement” to help get India’s children back to school.
Lesson: Non-profit organizations can increase their celebrity endorsers’ activity with a campaign by showing them just how impactful their Twitter involvement is. Sharing analytics with celebrities involved in the campaign can encourage them to share the campaign with their followers more often.

4. IBM: Aggregate & Organize Event Conversation

For Lotusphere 2011, one of IBM’s annual user conferences for customers and partners, the tech firm expanded its typical social media strategy and created a social media hub, a single online landing page providing a live stream of blogs, Twitter comments, Flickr photos and videos of keynote sessions and interviews from the conference. To keep chatter organized on Twitter, the company employed the hashtag #ls11.
Success Metrics: By mid-event at Lotusphere 2011, which takes place from January 30 to February 3, there were more than 20,000 tweets tagged with the #ls11 hashtag, and the hub site’s video channel had garnered 34,000 views. As of February 15, 2011, there were more than 35,000 tweets with the #ls11 hashtag, and 9,500 of those tweets were retweeted. IBM calculates that the campaign garnered more than 41 million total impressions on Twitter.
Lesson: Whether it’s as simple as employing a hashtag or as strategic as creating a social landing page, aggregating and organizing conversation around your brand, especially during events, is key to making a splash on Twitter.

5. USA for UNHCR: Hold a Tweetathon

For World Refugee Day this year, USA for UNHCR held a “tweetathon” as part of its overall Blue Key Campaign, which asks Americans to purchase a symbolic $5 Blue Key pin or pendant to show their support for refugees worldwide and the 6,000 UNHCR staffers who work 24/7 to assist them.
The tweetathon took place on Monday, June 13, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, seven days before World Refugee Day, and it featured a number of social-savvy “Blue Key Champions” tweeting via their personal Twitter accounts for at least an hour each, while supporting tweets originating from the official @UNRefugeeAgencyTwitter handle. Roya Hosseini, wife of The Kite Runner author Khaled Hosseini and the Twitter voice of theKhaled Hosseini Foundation (@tkhf) also appeared on the tweetathon as a special guest, which especially increased awareness of the tweetathon and campaign.
Success Metrics: On the day of the tweetathon, 1,524 tweets used the #bluekey hashtag, which is a significant increase over the daily average of 50 that occurred during the rest of the campaign. Traffic to the Blue Key website also increased 169% over the previous high point. Furthermore, more than 50% of key purchases for that week were a result of the tweetathon.
Lesson: A tweetathon can significantly benefit a time-sensitive social good campaign. USA for UNHCR’s social media consultant Shonali Burke explains that the campaign experienced a huge bump in activity as a result of using Twitter:
“From December 2010 (when the Blue Key site was launched) until April 2011, there were approximately 1,100 keys dispatched. For the duration of the 6-week campaign (May 9 to June 20), there were 2,645 keys dispatched, and significant awareness created via online and social media. That’s a huge jump in just 6 weeks.”

6. McDonald’s Canada: Target Specific Users with a Promoted Account

Agency Golin Harris recently launched a geo-targeted Promoted Account for its client, McDonald’s Canada, which was the first brand in Canada to execute such a campaign. The goal was to leverage Promoted Accounts to increase @McD_Canada’s average new followers by using a ‘suggested follow’ that targeted Twitter users via specified keywords and hashtags.
While the client declined to share specific keywords used, citing “the competitive nature of how McDonald’s Canada gains followers using Promoted Accounts,” it was quite pleased with the results, noting that the use of diverse keywords and hashtags enabled the company to reach viewers of many demographics with many different interests.
Success Metrics: With a total budget of $15,000 USD, McDonald’s Canada gained 9,503 new followers over the course of the campaign. The campaign also drew in 14,200 profile views and resulted in a 4% overall engagement rate, which includes retweets, replies, favorites and clicks. This engagement rate is quite high when one considers that advertising click-through rates are generally subzero percentages.
Lesson: Paid advertising on Twitter, including Promoted Tweets, Trends and Accounts, can be an option for brands looking to gain new eyes. Brands should test out various hashtags and keywords to target their desired audience. “The Twitter team acted as a great resource to help McDonald’s Canada test out different keywords and bids to gain the greatest amount of new followers,” notes Karin Campbell, senior manager of external communications, McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited.

7. appbackr: Increase Site Traffic with Promoted Tweets & Accounts

App marketplace appbackr began using Promoted Tweets and Account in mid-May to promote the LSATMaxapp that is currently on its way to funding its next iteration via the appbackr platform. “The app is directed to people studying for the LSAT, so a 20 to 26 age group roughly,” says Sarah Cornwell, product manager at appbackr. “Our online marketing budget for this app was split between Facebook ads and Twitter. In the past, we would have focused entirely on Facebook, but with Twitter, we can watch the impact in, and we like that immediate feedback.”
Cornwell stressed that creating a targeted campaign on Twitter, instead of targeting a wider audience, gave appbackr the most bang for its buck. “LSATMax lends itself to a targeted campaign. We were able to focus on people on Twitter searching for relevant keywords — LSAT, law school, etc. — to let them know this app was available as a study tool.”
Success Metrics: In six weeks, appbackr has increased its follower count by 140% (from 880 to 2,114) and increased traffic to its site from Twitter by 94%. Furthermore, traffic from Twitter as a percentage of appbackr’s total site traffic rose from 2.6% to 4.4%. And of its Twitter from traffic, the percentage of new visits rose from 51% to 65%.
Lesson: Appbackr’s campaign with Promoted Tweets and Accounts enabled it to reach a highly targeted audience on Twitter, resulting in an increase in Twitter followers and site traffic

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